Dear colleagues, dear friends,

The Romanian Breast Imaging Society announces the organization of the 10th edition of the National Breast Imaging Conference, in Sibiu, from November 15 to 16, 2019.

And this year we invite you to participate in the course organized in Romania by the European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI) in collaboration with the Society of Breast Imaging in Romania (SISR). This course is the expression of the cooperation between the two professional societies, cooperation that started a few years ago, in the form of exchanges of opinions and courses, for improving the practice in breast imaging.

Course topic – Advanced breast imaging: MRI and CESM. The first part of the course, theoretical, is designed for a medium level of training in breast imaging with a multimodal approach. The second part, practical, follows the decision-making involvement of the participants through various cases analyzed together with the course readers.

The number of participants is limited to 60, and the occupation will be carried out according to the “first come – first served” rule.

The final objective of the course is to offer the possibility of a confrontation with European perspectives of breast imaging, marked by the fingerprint of the readers and the consolidation of a correct practice in the sinological imaging.

Therefore, we invite you to take part in this European course of sinological imaging in the former European cultural capital, Sibiu, on November 14, 2019, and then to deepen your knowledge about the sinological imagery in the Conference at the Xth edition.

The scientific program of the Conference will include sessions of oral presentations, round tables and debates focused on the novelties of the sinological imagery. The quality of the information presented interactively during the conference by the invited readers from the country and abroad, as well as by your participation in this event, we hope to ensure the success of this edition.

We look forward to a meeting that is at least as enjoyable as in previous years!

Directors Board of the Romania Breast Imaging Society

Breast Imaging National Conference

Useful information

Useful information

We will be honored to have you at the Netional Breat Imaging Conference this edition!

Conference & Course Registration

Conference & Course Registration

You can find here more information about the registration

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The abstract can be sent using the on-line platform